In The Beginning
By Dennis Eagle
Note: Due to internet failure along with some connection problems, I am reporting on our tour to the Philippine Islands and Taiwan a week late. I will replay a day by day account just the same for those who are following this exciting adventure. It is my plan to catch everyone up to a real time – play by play reporting before we finish the tour.
Sam Fagan and I left for the Philippines today, September 28th, 2010. We flew out of Charlotte International Airport with two primary goals to accomplish: First was to meet with our Philippine Team and oversee a workshop designed to get everyone on board with the USA operations. Second, was to begin gathering data for the “I Care 4” ministry we were setting up beginning in the Philippines. This is a desire I have longed to begin for years and had nearly lost hope the possibility would ever present itself.
I mentioned Sam Fagan, who is one of my business partners and who has the same heart and mind as Denise and I do. He and his lovely wife Melody have raised two children and have only recently adopted two more, which took two years to process in the courts. They want to go through “His Hands Taiwan” or the Philippines for their next child and have a baby in their arms in about five months. This will avoid the time consuming courts, frustrations over the mother deciding back and forth, or her being on and off drugs.
When I asked Sam if he wanted to be a founding partner setting up a home for the homeless “Street Children” as they are called, he and Melody jumped on board immediately. Denise and I see this as a way to do the most good for God’s Kingdom and to lay the foundation for disciplining nations as we have been mandated. We planned this trip back in 2009 and are now, after months of planning, watching this flower of mercy begin to bloom.
The longing to reach out to foreign nations was planted in my heart 24 years ago when I was reading Psalms chapter 2. As I came to verse 8 which states, “Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession” the words leaped off the page to me. God had spoken to me and promised me nations (of people) as an inheritance. I realize this is a messianic passage but I also realize the Messiah lives in me and this promise was to Him living in me and through me.
Honestly, I didn’t realize what this meant at the time in its fullness but I accepted His promise and committed to full surrender in seeing it accomplished. I had done some missionary work in the Philippines back in the early 1980’s but that was a far cry short of reaching peoples from all nations. Now I can see how God can bring the nations, a few at a time, together in one place such as in the Philippines or in International Schools where several nations are represented by the students and parents in one place, like the book of Acts chapter one.
In addition to Psalms 2:8 God gave me the promise of Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not”. I have known through the years that any accomplishments for the Kingdom would be done through the Holy Spirit’s work around and through me but I didn’t understand the details. Only recently I understood what He wants to show me. One morning this year as I awoke, I realized He wanted to show me Christ more vividly than I have ever seen Him. It was then that vagueness became vision and everything began to come together for me. The message is simple: Christ is our Source! Money is never the problem. Staff is never the problem. Closed doors are never the problem. When Jesus is seen as all we need, then all things are realized.
Today, we are watching “The Beginning”!